Do u have ready app on play store?
mohammadalsughayer Jul 20, 2017when i buy an app
who will do the integration and transfer ?
2. do u have ready app on play store and earning revenue ?
This post has been last edited at 2017-07-22 16:09:35 -
On Codester you can buy app templates. You will have to reskin the apps yourself and take of marketing.
There are some author who can do adjustments and reskinning of an app template.
App templates are a great way to learn how to code apps. They are great source of knowledge. And of course flipping apps can be a very profitable business, if you know how to make it into something special.
You will have to bring some form of added value to the table when creating an app.
This post has been last edited at 2017-07-22 16:11:07 -
mohammadalsughayer Jul 22, 2017thx
but do u provide that serve to do the reskin and the ASO and the launch the app? because i am not a developer ?
because i am interested in ur apps?
mohammad -
This is something we will be supporting the in the future, in the meantime you can ask developers if they are able to do a reskin or launch after purchase for an extra fee.