Marketingmindz Oct 13, 2017We’ve placed our components on Codester in Aug 2016 but we didn't get any sale from our component. Here you can check our portfolio: https://www.codester.com/user/Technologymindz/
Please suggest How can we boost our sales? Is there anything lack in our product or presentation? -
The presentation of the items looks good. The recently added videos and demo links will certainly help. A few things that could hold back any potential customers are:
- Some items show they haven't been updated in a year.
- No reviews or other social proof (chicken & egg problem for new items)
We looked at the number of views of your items and they are very low and this is probably the main cause of the low amount of sales.
Now, In contrast to app templates and themes, plugins do not get much sales from people just browsing the marketplace. People don't bump into a migration plugin and think "why not?" and purchase the plugin. People buy a certain plugin mainly when they are already searching for it.
Most sales of plugins come from searches. This can be from within Codester, but a great load come through Google search. Codester ranks very well in Google search for anything with development assets including plugins.
Now, not every item will be ranked on the first page in Google just because it is listed on Codester ( although it does help a lot). To boost the position it does help to get just few links out to your items page. This way Google will take your item page more seriously and the chance of being ranked well significantly increases.
Doing SEO for a page on a marketplace may sound strange and even make you question why you should sell it on Codester. You may not get much sales from people browsing the marketplace, but we do already have done a lot of SEO work and have great authority for scripts, templates and plugins on Google, which you can use as a great base for getting your products highly ranked and receive loads of traffic and eventually sales.
The results in sales between plugin authors on the marketplace are huge. We see great plugins not getting a single sale and others have hundreds of sales. But we do see nearly all successful plugins have been doing some form of promotion outside the marketplace at some point and gain a great percentage of their sales from Google traffic.
I hope this answers your questions. If you have any other questions, just let me know!This post has been last edited at 2017-10-13 14:19:37 -
CMonica Feb 16, 2018you can try promoting your items on websites like pinterest, g+, instagram and others similar