My item rejected. May i get more detailed reason.
Algamus07 Jan 12, 2018My item is rejected
Basic Fake Gps With JoyStick - Android Source Code is rejected for the following reason:
In conflict with the terms of Google (may i get more detailed reason? And how to solve this.) -
Apps that fake GPS is not allowed on Google Play..
Algamus07 Jan 12, 2018What about this item ""?
Algamus07 Jan 12, 2018İt is not app. İt is android template source code.
Algamus07 Jan 12, 2018Frederick, please tell me which rule say that "Apps that fake GPS is not allowed on Google Play"?
I understand it is a source code We have been receiving a high number of complaints about people trying to publish fake GPS apps and being banned from Google Play because of this. That is why we are not accepting any more of these type of app source codes.
Algamus07 Jan 12, 2018Thanks.