Bigboss357 Jan 21, 2020There are buyers that will always accuse developers of stealing money because its your product. If it hasn't happened to you, it will happen one day even if you didnt anything. Codester we know buyers have the right to be angry, but that does not give them the right to spoil authors reputation on this platform. You guys should do some5hing about this, some one just made thesame bad comments on 10 of my products with the aim of destroying my businessThis post has been last edited at 2020-01-22 09:46:33
We don't accept buyers spamming with such accusations.
If a buyer has a problem with a product or a buyer they can contact us through our help center. We will then do research on the situation.
If you find any of such comments, use the report option to report the comment and we will review the comment for removal.