Hello, Codester team! Hello, Frederick!
Most of software marketplaces (almost all famous) supply the sellers with all information about the purchase made, but not the Codester for a while... Unfortunately...
This helps a lot to identify the customer and the purchase, and helps to resolve conflicts outside the marketplace
The example is the last purchase of this module:
As you may see, the customer had some problems with it (https://www.codester.com/items/comments/13418/copy-product-from-marketplaces-opencart) and we really were offline these days, so we were be able to reply only the 5 days after. Of course, the customer was angry and left the indignant review and the worst possible assessment.
We tried to resolve this, but we can reply in the support section ONLY!
If i at least had his/her email, i would contact him directly, apologize, supply with any help needed and may be some gifts as an apology, and also ask to revise his review and the bad vote
But i haven't...
So, we stayed with badly voted and reviewed software that by the way has 20+ votes of 5 stars and 250+ purchases on the opencart extension marketplace (https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=marketplace/extension/info&extension_id=12026), and we have no opportunities to fix this situation now...
Actually, Codester is not yesterday-launched marketplace, you had quite enough time to implement/improve the highly demandable features that many sellers are asking for during a long time, like:
1) the email Notifications about someone purchased the software, all needed information to easily identify the customer in future (Nickname, email, date of purchase and the purchaseID)
2) Add some other payment ways for withdrawal, the examples are skrill and payoneer, many sellers are asking for them
3) Ability to submit the FREE software, this is very good practice as:
- ability to list the free trial versions of the commercial software
- ability for sellers to advertise themselves, their other commercial modules or themes, show the professionalism and skills
- ability for sellers to evaluate the demand of the potential software by submitting the "stripped down" version of the software
- significant traffic increase and overall appeal of the Codester marketplace at whole
- many other benefits
We don't believe that above mentioned features are too hard to be implemented and hope you will pay attention to this appeal and take appropriate actions about this...
Many thanks you in advance and have a nice day!