Your withdrawal request has been declined
WEBTM Oct 6, 2020Hi, I've received that email message "Your withdrawal request has been declined
We have denied your request because it is either incomplete, a duplicate, or your earnings do not meet the minimum amount required to be paid out."
All right. I'm trying to explain:
"your earnings do not meet the minimum amount required to be paid out" - My earnings meet to the minimum amount which can be paid out.
"because it is either incomplete" - What? Why?
"or a duplicate" - I had requested to withdraw my money, then canceled, and then I requested again. I think this is a declining reason. How do you think guys?
Did you enter your paypal email as paypal username?
WEBTM Oct 6, 2020I have entered
Would I enter [email protected]?This post has been last edited at 2020-10-06 20:25:21 -
Yes it has to your Paypal e-mail
WEBTM Oct 6, 2020Which it has to? this
No, your email.
WEBTM Oct 7, 2020Thank you.