KingKoala Sep 22, 2016What is the procedure for applying for a refund?
For a refund please follow these steps:
1. Place a detailed description of the problem in the support section of the item you bought.
2. The author should be able solve the problem within 2 business days. If this is not the case continue to step 3
3. Contact Codester support and request a refund.
Please note we only accept refunds if the product has a defect and is not working as advertised.This post has been last edited at 2016-11-07 15:11:13 -
HenryRoger Dec 13, 2016You can first apply for a refund in the support section by explaining your problem or concern. The administrator will get back to you.
Like already mentioned in my previous post, you first have to place a detailed description of the problem in the support section of the item you bought. The author/seller of the item should be able to help at first.
Then continue with step 2 & 3.This post has been last edited at 2016-12-13 13:12:46