B2B B2C Business Script PHPB2B B2C Business Script PHP
unique features never seen before,best value for money,online trading boss

B2B B2C Business Script PHP
unique features never seen before,best value for money,online trading boss

Welcome to the best business 2 business laravel trading script that can also adapt well for business/customer and customer/customer operations. this system is formidably super charged and fully featured.
This is not a clone of any existing website but a unique idea.
Laravel : Built with the most advanced php Framework.
2 in 1 Account: Account can serve 2 roles simultaneously.
Mini Website: Seller/Store/Vendor will have dedicated pages for their own online store with micro website within the base website.
Buyer Protection/Escrow: Securely ensures smooth operations of funds.
Delivery Service: Keeps Sellers and buyers in check.
Multi Payment options: introducing 5 payment options including wire-transfer.
Dual Account Balance: Draft holds payment still under review or in Escrow then Main holds verified funds that can be withdrawn or used in purchasing other products and services site wide.
Verification Service: Allows you to review authenticity of users, when users are verified a verified badge automatically appears on the user's profile and product pages. attributes of the uploaded documents are securely obfuscated(name,route,location) only admin can access the files.
Multi Currency : The system supports multiple currencies but all have to be mapped to the base currency of the system.
Premium Membership Subscription: Guarantees recurring income, Right now there are five types of membership plans. Which can be managed from the admin side. You can set your own price,activate/deactivate and expiry.
Commissions: make money on all transactions.
Mini Message: Holds messages in an email style template.
Email Template: 20 beautiful email templates
Product Variations: Allows you to have multiple attributes of a single product.
Comparison is done automatically no need for time wasting manual mapping.
Unlimited Data Entry You can add unlimited accounts, products, categories, pages and prices, invoices, blogs into the system.
Beautiful & Responsive: Comes with 2 eye catching themes (light and dark) that appears good in all devices with awesome viewing experience.
Settings: This contains all settings ensuring that you never have to mess with code all the controls you need is all in there.
Sitemap Generator: get your sitemap in 1 click, if your content is more than 50,000 no worries the generator will automatically split the file you.
Dedicated Country page: make it easier to sort through business accounts.
- Cart
- Blog
- SEO Optimized,
- Pages,
- Site Settings
- Dynamic Slider
- Data tables,
- Delivery Service.
Base Url : https://demo.products.com.ng
Demo Admin :
Url : https://demo.products.com.ng/work/login
Login : [email protected]
Password : password
Demo Client :
Url :https://demo.products.com.ng/login
Jane : [email protected]
John : [email protected]
Password : password
SignupUrl : http://demo.products.com.ng/register
Silent FeatureS
- 2 in 1 Account
- Product Unlimited Variations
- Escrow
- Product types Sell Leads and BuyLeads
- Extensive usage stats
- Multiple Online Payment Gateways for Easy Payment
- Wire Transfer
- Currency Converter
- Contact us page for account
- Email verification
- Add/View/Edit/Delete Accounts
- Fully featured Internal Invoicing system
- Lightning fast BULK product importer CSV
- Limitless Category Depth.
- Blog and Pages
- Commission and Tax
- Theme Options
- Responsive Mail Templates
- Unlimited data entry
- Extensive company profile management console
- SEO Optimized
- Account User Assignment
- Rss Feed
- Fully Featured Admin and Customer Dashboard
- Built with Laravel
- Frequent Updates
- Full support
And much more
- PHP >=7.1.14
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Zip PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Download Script.
- Extract “Dropship v--.zip” file and upload “install” and “laravel” folders to your public_html or localhost folder.
- Create a new database then link the database with a user.
- Go to http://yoursite.com/install/ that will launch the installation wizard and follow the prompts.
- Here is the installation Video
Future product updates
Quality checked by Codester
Lowest price guarantee
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Shopping Cart |
First release | 10 April 2019 |
Last update | 6 September 2021 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, .xml, Javascript .js |
Tags | ecommerce, business, payment, money, online, customer, buyer, seller, escrow |