Quick Blog - Laravel ScriptQuick Blog - Laravel Script
light weight blog, optimized for speed, Effecient application built with laravel
Quick Blog - Laravel Script
light weight blog, optimized for speed, Effecient application built with laravel
This is a complete light weight blog that is fully featured and optimized for speed with multi-user roles. Built with the most advanced php Framework(Laravel).
Base Url : https://blog.products.com.ng
Demo Admin :
Url : https://blog.products.com.ng/login
Login : [email protected]
Password : password
Demo User :
Jane : [email protected]
Password : password
SignupUrl : https://blog.products.com.ng/register
Silent Features
- SEO Optimized
- Data tables: For heavy lifting without refreshing the page.
- Multi Account
- Unique Contact-us page for every user
- Mini Message: Holds user messages in an email style template.
- Email verification
- Add/View/Edit/Delete Accounts
- Limitless Category Depth.
- Dynamic Pages
- Responsive Mail Templates
- Unlimited Data Entry You can add unlimited accounts, categories, pages and into the system.
- Beautiful & Responsive: Comes with a light theme that appears good in all devices with awesome viewing experience.
- Sitemap Generator: get your sitemap in 1 click, if your content is more than 50,000 no worries the generator will automatically split the file you.
- Rss Feed
- Fully Featured Dashboard
- All routes Secured by Laravel
- Frequent Updates
- Full support
And much more
- PHP =7.1.14
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Zip PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Download Script.
- Extract “Dropship v--.zip” file and upload “install” and “laravel” folders to your public_html or localhost folder.
- Create a new database then link the database with a user.
- Go to http://yoursite.com/install/ that will launch the installation wizard and follow the prompts.
- Here is the installation Video
Future product updates
Quality checked by Codester
Lowest price guarantee
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Website Builders |
First release | 26 April 2019 |
Last update | 26 April 2019 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Bootstrap, Less |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, .xml, Javascript .js |
Tags | template, mobile, php, responsive, news, SEO, post, blog, information, communication, blogs, laravel, article, articles |