Solar System iOS App TemplateSolar System iOS App Template
App template to show a simple solar system in working. Build with Cocos.Solar System iOS App Template
App template to show a simple solar system in working. Build with Cocos.Overview
This app template is just a basic type to show a simple solar system in working.
Game Engine used Cocos 2d V3
1. Sun is a static Sprite body and positioned in centered
2. Adding planets in the scene
[self setplanetname:0 mindist:25.0f maxdist:25.0f Moonenabled:NO];
here setplanetname represents the planet type
eg 0=mercury,1=venus till pluto
planets are defince in a custom ccspriteclass planets.h,planets.m
Here mindist and max dist represents the minimum distance from sun of planet.
Moonenabled represents the if the planet have moon you can add more moons in planets check the method for
more custom moons by using loops etc.
3. Asteroids [self dropastreoids:10.0 maxdist:10.0 numberofasteriods:150];
using this method you can add asteroids in the system here mindist and maxdist are unused see method to hook as
per you want.
Supports collisions you can add more collision types to support more types of collisions.
5.Particle effect
Supports explosion particle effect to demonstrate collisions.
6.touch apply force
-(void) touchBeganUITouch *)touch withEventUIEvent *)event
in this method force is applied in the planets to give a stir in the solarsystem you can add more bodies as you want.
In case of more specific assistance mail me at [email protected]