Bracketly - PHP Tournament VisualizerBracketly - PHP Tournament Visualizer
Bracketly is an easy to use PHP tournament script with visualizer and generator support

Bracketly - PHP Tournament Visualizer
Bracketly is an easy to use PHP tournament script with visualizer and generator support

Bracketly is an easy to use PHP tournament script with visualizer and generator support. You can use it for representing available tournaments from JSON or your own DB. Or generate a quick tournament with beautiful designd brackets.
Beautiful design and view.
Unlimited teams support.
Three types of lot (Random, Seed, Reverse).
Extremly customizable (Settings array()).
Easy tournament builder with drag and drop support.
Easy to use in your project.
PHP 5.4 or highter.
Installation guide
1. Download and extract source-code.1.0.zip file.
2. Copy files from app folder (source-code.1.0/app/*) to your project.
3. Include class or classes to your project 'Visualizer.php' and 'Builder.php'
4. To start using generator you need call '$brackets = new Builder($names, $type);' Where $names is an array with team names and $type is a type of generator '0' is Random, '1' is Seeded, '2' is Reverse Seed Â
5. To use on available Tournament you need call '$brackets = new Visualizer($teams_d, $settings)''; where $teams_d is an array with tournament data and $setting is an setting array read more please here
6. Enjoy.
Visit for more information and updates: link
Apr 17, 2022brokenname PurchasedRating:could be better. needs to automatically put the one with the higher score into the next group instead of manually doing so, and would be nice to have a save button to show off previous events. and better documentation would be nice.
Other items by this author
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Games |
First release | 22 February 2020 |
Last update | 22 February 2020 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html |
Software version | PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5 |
Tags | php, generator, sport, tournament, e-sport |