Unicodex Academy - Online Learning MarketplaceUnicodex Academy - Online Learning Marketplace
Unicodex Academy 2.0 Turbo - Online Learning Marketplace
Unicodex Academy - Online Learning Marketplace
Unicodex Academy 2.0 Turbo - Online Learning Marketplace
Unicodex is a marketplace script for online learning. Teachers or instructors can create an unlimited number of courses, upload videos and documents according to their knowledge and students can enroll in courses and educate anytime and anywhere.
So start selling your specialized courses by installing UNICODEX and create your online business today.
Unicodex is updated to 2.0 Turbo Version! Buy Now!
- Video and text based courses
- Quiz module
- Advanced search and filters
- Supports Youtube and MP4 videos
- Affiliate system
- Author discount coupons
- Promotional coupons for the Site Admin website
- Certificates of Completion
- Track user progress
- One-click installation
- Process payments with Stripe, Braintree, RazorPay or PayPal
- Multilindric
- Advanced blogging system
- Chat messages
- Powerful panels
and much more.
- PHP 7.1 ou superior
- Mysql 5+
This is the major update from all codester!!!
All Updates for 2.0 Turbo Version - Unicodex Academy
- Sending verification code instead of link on user verification email. Since sometimes mail with a link considered as suspicious. - Keeping stripe session id and transaction id on stripe payment. - Enhanced the security of stripe payment. - Total lesson count is now working fine in all dashboard. - Minor bug fixes and performance improvement.
- Rating review posting by student random issue fix - Version update procedure updated
- Stripe payment gateway updated for course purchase - Minor bug fixes
Studies and Applications
- New instructor workflow introduced - Admin can add new instructor from admin panel - User needs to apply to be an instructor if the admin keeps it enabled - New dashboard and menu for instructor panel - New sales report page for instructor - New payout report page for instructor - New instructor payout processing system - The instructor now have the opportunity to request a withdrawal request - Language switcher from frontend website - New lesson creation layout and very user-friendly workflow - A separate form for each type of lessons and it can be switched instantly - Video upload option in lesson creation form with possible upload size info - Toaster notification translation issue fixed - Student page title issue fixed - Lesson deletion issue while course deletion is fixed - Multi-language helper updated - Courses can be added to wishlist from course detail page - User is shown an alert before removing a course from wishlist - Outgoing email text enhanced for being marked as spam by Gmail
Better Performance
- Iframe embed code feature added. - Now you can add google slide, slideshare slides and any embeddable external content.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Checkout page updated
- Academy lms site slow speed performance fixed
- Payment system upgraded and designed from scratch - Disabled payment gateways are now hidden from student course purchase page - Some minor bug fixes in course, lesson management in the admin panel
- EU cookie note added with cookie policy acceptance - Course purchase notification to instructor, admin, student - Disabled payment method is now inactive in course purchasing cart - Instructor list is shown in the admin panel - API updated for mobile app course purchasing - Enroll history report updated to current month by default - Addon system introduced - New addon manager for addon installation, activation or deactivation - Certificate addon released. Buy here: https://codecanyon.net/item/x/25515213 - Documentation updated
- Separate video lesson configuration for mobile app added - Lesson player CSS fixed - Footer text made dynamic from admin panel - Course curriculum layout issue fixed - Course duration value fixed - Course title short layout enhanced
- User interface updated
- Course progress feature added for students - Students can mark / unmark a lesson as complete - My course page shows completion percentage of every purchased course - Video lessons can be resumed from last time watched ( applicable for .mp4 videos )
- Course playing page new layout introduced. Designed and coded from scratch. - Theme installation option added. - Theme chooser, activation and deactivation option added.
- stripe payment gateway api updated - admin now have option to enable or disable email verification - course purchasing cart page crash issue fixed
- quiz module introduced - MCQ question manager for course quiz - quiz sorting option added - new course manager layout - course filter for admin to sort out easily - courses and section now grouped in a single page - brand new admin panel layout - admin now have monthly income graph chart - new instructor dedicated panel introduced - category manager updated - new course filter page added in frontend website - courses can be filtered by category, price, level, language, rating - filter course with list view and grid view - all user login page unified in a single form - new website launched for academy : http://www.academy-lms.com
* Free course enrolment opportunity * Confirmation email on student account register * Custom smtp settings for site admin * Stopped playing course preview on background * Shopping cart view updated * Minor bugs fixes
* Lesson file type added : text, pdf, doc, own server video * Description field for all course lessons * Video player updated and enhanced * Added course title/summary to course playing page * Course activation notification updated. * Site title issue fixed * Seo settings for course pages * Added currency settings
2.0 Turbo (Update List 1) – 2020
[ backend ]
* Status Wise course creating. * Show number of courses by status on Dashboard as well as on Admin navigation menu. * Made managing sub-category more comprehensive on the category page. * Added icon picker on Category and subcategory add and edit form * Added an instructor filter on course table. * Separated Active and Pending courses status wise inside the course page. * Admin now has an option of “View Course on Frontend” inside course page. * Admin now can make a course Active as well as Pending. * Made Course overview URL optional while creating a course. * Made Course thumbnail optional while creating a course. * Made generating Lesson’s video duration more understandable. * Added an optional Payment information field for Student. While creating and editing student. It is required for Instructors only. * Added Enrol a Student option. Now admin can enrol a student manually from the backend. * A new navigation menu “Report" has been added. * Admin now can see all the revenue he got after a successful course purchasing. * Admin now can see all the revenue an Instructor got after a successful course purchasing. * Admin now can pay instructors. * Made Updater module functional for future updates. * Added two different Logo Uploader. One for backend another for Frontend. * Added Favicon uploader. * Added Instructor settings inside Settings option. * Fixed the “Action” Button breaking on small devices. * Dynamic footer text.
* Showing all the courses by course status. That means only Active courses are now being shown. * Fixed the login modal’s title. * Wish listed courses are now can be removed from the wish list page. * Already Purchased Button now redirects to My Courses page. * Fixed the issue of courses with no course overview URL or course thumbnail. * Instructor can see his course’s curriculums from the Course details page. * Respective instructor details of every course is showing on course details page. * Fixed the escape HTML tags issue on instructor Biography. * Added Instructor menu on the frontend navigation. * Creating course from the frontend. * Separated Active, Pending and Drafted course on instructor dashboard. * Instructor can see his created course details and respected course’s lessons from the frontend. * Instructor can make a published course to Draft course. * Instructor can create, update and delete sections from the frontend. * Serialize sections from the frontend. * Can Add, Update or Delete lessons from the frontend. * Instructor’s Payment report on the frontend. * Payment settings. Which is mandatory for being an Instructor.
- 2.0 Turbo version released
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Marketplace / Services |
First release | 11 May 2020 |
Last update | 29 September 2020 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Tags | academy, learning, video, course, student, lms, instructor |