Ionic 3 Natives Professional EditionIonic 3 Natives Professional Edition
Full Ionic 3, Angular 4 App with numerous Native features
Ionic 3 Natives Professional Edition
Full Ionic 3, Angular 4 App with numerous Native features
What's new in version 1.2:
New features: Admob demonstration, App rating, Stripe and Paypal payments, OneSignal Push Notifications, Google Analytics
What's new in version 1.1:Ionic 3 Natives is a collection of numerous features accessing the same native SDK features a pure native app would access such as Calendar and Social sharing. This app is based on the official Ionic Native set of wrappers for Cordova/PhoneGap plugins making sure the right and consistent Cordova plugins are used. Ionic 3 Natives is a well-structured, modular, full working app that comes with ingredients commonly used by all modern mobile apps. Find out more: http://appseed.io/ionic-natives
Upgrade to Ionic 3. Product renamed from Ionic 2 Natives to Ionic 3 Natives.
Android .APK
Preview on iOS and Android - Ionic View
- Download the Ionic View app (http://view.ionic.io)
- Use the App ID

A Native Bootstrap for your applications
Give your applications a Native User Experience. Save time and cut weeks off development by utilizing reusable, already implemented code that introduces popular features.Everything you need in one place

Write code like a Ninja

At a glance
- Action Sheet: Shows the native sheet of options the user can choose from.
- App availability: Allows the user to check if an app is installed on the device.
- App rate: Prompts the user to rate the app in Google Play or App Store.
- Badge: Demonstrates how to set, inrease, decrease and clear badge numbers.
- Barcode scanner: Scans a barcode, decodes and encodes it.
- Brightness: Demonstrates how to interact with the brightness of the device for iOS and Android.
- Calendar: Creates a new calendar, opens it at a certain date and creates an event.
- Call number: Demonstrates how to call a number directly from the application.
- Camera: Access the device’s camera, get a photo and display it without leaving your app.
- Clipboard: Demonstrates copy-paste functionality by managing the device clipboard.
- Contacts: Accesses the contacts stored in the device, filters them, creates new ones and shows their details.
- Crop: Gets a picture from the photo library, crops and displays it.
- Date picker: Shows a date picker and displays the selected date.
- Device: Displays the device hardware and software information.
- Device motion: Makes use of the device accelerometer and displays the device acceleration along the x, y and z axes.
- Dialogs: Demonstrates some native alert, confirmation, prompt and beep dialogs.
- Flashlight: Demonstrates different ways of turning on/off the device’s flashlight.
- Insomnia: Demonstrates how to prevent the screen of the mobile device from falling asleep.
- Launch navigator: Navigates user to a destination by launching the native navigation app.
- Local Notifications: Shows single, multiple and delayed notifications.
- Native Storage: Demonstrates how to create, edit and delete an item of the device’s native storage.
- Network: Checks what kind of network connection the device has and shows it.
- Photo Viewer: Takes a picture using the device's camera, sets a title and shows it in full screen.
- Position: Displays device latitude, longitude, accuracy, heading, speed an timestamp.
- Push notifications: Registers the device to receive push notifications from the Ionic Cloud API.
- Screen orientation: Sets the screen orientation and allows the user to rotate the screen by pressing the button.
- Shake: Shows an alert on shake gesture.
- SIM: Shows info from the SIM card.
- Social sharing: Demonstarets how to share via email and Facebook.
- Spinner dialog: Shows dialog with spinner.
- Streaming media: Plays a regular type video/audio in fullscreen.
- SQLite: Demonstrates how to create, edit and delete an item of the device’s SQLite database.
- Text to speech: Coverts text to speech.
- Themeable browser: Provides an in-app-browser with certain style.
- Toasts: Shows normal, short and long toast messages.
- Vibrate: Vibrates the device with different patterns.
- Youtube player: Plays a Youtube video within the app.
- Admob: Shows advertisement banner.
- Stripe: Allows Stripe payments.
- Paypal: Allows Paypal payments.
- OneSignal: Receives OneSignal push notifications.
- Google Analytics: Collects Google Analytics for your app.
This is a product of AppSeed. Find out more by visiting our website http://appseed.io/ or contact us via our support center https://appseed.desk.com/customer/portal/emails/new.Change log
1.2 - August 03, 2017 - Stripe payments - Paypal payments - Demonstration of OneSignal Push Notifications - Demonstration of Google Analytics - Demonstration of AdMob - App rating 1.1 - May 05, 2017 - Upgrade to Ionic 3 - Product renamed from Ionic 2 Natives to Ionic 3 Natives 1.0 - February 24, 2017 - Initial release
Other items by this author
Category | App Templates / Ionic / Full Applications |
First release | 24 February 2017 |
Last update | 4 August 2017 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Tags | Native, media, storage, push, ionic, cordova |