Ormaka O Letter LogoOrmaka O Letter Logo
A modern graphic representation of a digital data image. The unique digital letter O logo is suitable for companies or businesses
- - The Logo Is 100% Vector
- - CMYK
- - High Quality
- - AI (Cc)
- - EPS (Eps10)
- - PSD – 1 Psd Layered file (Psd files was Generated in Illustrator, some features can be lost. To reach maximum editability use Adobe Illustrator)
- - PNG (Transparent Backround)
- - JPEG (White Backround)
- - Txt Help File
- - All colors and text can be modified
- - You can download the fonts: Download link included in Help.txt file
- - NOTE : The preview mock-ups are not included in the download file, It’s only for the presentation purpose.
abstract, box, circle, circular, consultant, core, corporate, cube, development, expertise, firm, hexagon, identity, investment, lawyer, letter, media, network, o, o letter, o logo, orbit, photograph, professional, studio, tech, technologies, visual identity, wave, zero
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Category | Graphics / Logos / Letter / O |
First release | 24 January 2022 |
Last update | 24 January 2022 |
Files included | Layered .psd, Layered .png, .eps, .ai |
Tags | core, corporate, network, orbit, Studio, professional, circle, consultant, media, identity, tech, abstract, letter, firm, box, development, wave, investment, cube, circular, hexagon, lawyer, technologies, photograph, zero, o, expertise, o letter, o logo, visual identity |