Online Web ToolsOnline Web Tools
A collection of 63+ free online tools and utilities to make life easier.

Online Web Tools
A collection of 63+ free online tools and utilities to make life easier.

Online Web Tools is a collection of 63+ useful tools and utilities that people often search for on the web. It has a lot of amazing tools that your users can use in their day-to-day tasks. We will keep adding new tools with each new update.
Built with the Laravel 10 framework and PHP 8.1+, the script has a good performance boost. The app is fully responsive and based on tailwindcss and daisyui to ensure that your website will look flawless and beautiful on every mobile and desktop device.
Live Demo: Click here
Admin Panel: Click Here
Login details:
username: admin
password: 12345678
Change Log:
# 2.0.0 (2024/11/29)
This is a major update with many new features: 1. Rebuilt from scratch 2. Dropped BootstrapCSS and JQuery 3. A new modern dashboard that will make customizing the app a lot easier 4. Old tools updated and new tools added (63+ tool) 5. You can change tools slugs from the dashboard 6. The app logo can be changed from the dashboard 8. A sidebar that can be enabled or disabled 9. Social share buttons added 10. A blog section that can be enabled or disabled 11. The option to create custom pages if needed 12. Links to internal and external pages can be added both to the navbar and footer 13. A sitemap generator 14. All the calls to the database and application config files are cached for better performance Many more options have been added to the dashboard. You can now edit page content, meta tags, Google Analytics code, styles, ads, and more. Check the demo page above to closely examine all the available settings.
# 1.0.0 (2023/09/02)
- First release
- Easy to install and customize
- Simple and clean design
- No Coding skills are needed.
- Works on both shared hosting and VPS
- Comes with Ad space, so just paste your ad code
- Fully optimized for mobile, desktop, or tablet
- Google Adsense Friendly
- Fully customizable from the dashboard
- A modern admin dashboard
- dark mode
- No JQuery
- Builtin Sitemap generator
- Cookie Consent included for GDPR & CCPA compliance
This script is built using Laravel 10, so you can check the official documentation for more details.
- PHP version 8.1 or higher.
The following PHP extensions should be installed and enabled:
- Bcmath
- Ctype
- cURL
- Hash
- Fileinfo
- Filter
- Iconv
- Imagick
- Intl
- Json
- Mbstring
- OpenSSL
- Session
- Tokenizer
- mod_rewrite enabled.
- A MySQL Database
1. Please make sure all requirements are fulfilled before purchasing this script. We won't be responsible if the script cannot run on your server properly
2. The app cannot be installed in a subfolder
3. For extra fees, the script can be customized to your needs. Contact me at [email protected] for more details
Upload the upload.zip archive to your server and extract it, typically in /var/www/example.com on a VPS hosting and public_html on a shared hosting.
For more details, check the documentation: click here
Other items by this author
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Miscellaneous |
First release | 2 September 2023 |
Last update | 2 December 2024 |
Files included | .php, .css, Javascript .js |
Tags | php, laravel, web tools |