Codeigniter User Management SystemCodeigniter User Management System
User Privilege and User Log Management System with AdminLTE Template Integrated in Codeigniter
Codeigniter User Management System
User Privilege and User Log Management System with AdminLTE Template Integrated in Codeigniter
User Privilege & Log Management System is a perfect high quality solution for those who need to develop any kind of IT System or Administration System for organizations using Codeigniter. It's fully responsive and will adapt itself to any mobile device. Its documentation guides you through the main features of this system and shows you how to use and customize them.
User Privilege & Log Management System has a fully functional user authentication method which allow only authenticated user to access the system. Some of the system features are:
- Fully functional user registration form
- Fully functional user login form
- Manage registered users
- Log user activities and view them
- User role management
- Privilege management (Master privilege and privilege details)
- User role privilege management
- Super Admin user role privilege management
- All AdminLTE template pages integrated with Codeigniter
- Complete user guide
Please note that the live demo does not have all the features enabled and most of them are disabled for security reason. Please purchase the system for full features.
- Codeigniter (Integrated Already)
- AdminLTE Template (Integrated Already)
The system is based on AdminLTE template and fully integrated with Codeigniter framework. Integration is done using common layout view files and any changes made to the layout file will affect all the page output using it. Partial views will be loaded inside the main layout file and can be invoked using controllers. Since the system use common layout files, all the page specific JS and CSS files will be loaded dynamically in the corresponding layout. Apart from that, the system also use Title, Subtitle and Breadcrumb dynamically in the main layout file. The system uses MySQL as the back-end database.
Other items by this author
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Login |
First release | 17 November 2017 |
Last update | 17 November 2017 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x |
Tags | responsive, clean, bootstrap, modern, management, System, admin panel, administration, codeigniter, chart, authentication, adminlte |