Bootstrap portfolio landing page whit some really cool features!
- Fixed top navigation that collapses on scroll
- Parallax scroll
- Scrollspy on navigation item
- Easy to edit PHP file to make the contact form send messages
- Includes jqBootstrapValidation plugin for contact form validation
- Skill charts with scrollspy
- Thumbnail Grid with Expanding Preview (portfolio projects)
- Included .html, .js, .css, .php, jquery. , .less
- Included font-awesome, ss-social-circle
- Included images - .jpg, .png, .ico
- Fonts are included, so no requirements there!
- Work with bootstrap v3.0.1 and newer (also included)
- Basic html and css knowledge
Just unzip the archive and you will see index.html file and some folders. Open the .html, .css, .php and .js files with some text edit program and change wathever you want. In the .php you can add your email address for contact form.