PHP Easy Lock - Password protect PHP ScriptPHP Easy Lock - Password protect PHP Script
The best and easiest way to lock a PHP page with a password.

PHP Easy Lock - Password protect PHP Script
The best and easiest way to lock a PHP page with a password.

Ever wanted to block the access of users on a certain page, but didn't find a good code for that? Well this is it! All you need is inside one file, and is being run from one single line of code...
- No installation, no configuration, no database needed
- Everything is inside a single file
- Very easy to use. For basic usage you only need 1 line of code
- Fully Responsive and brand new design. Works perfect on mobiles, tablets, laptops and desktops
- 3 skins( + other 4 that come as a bonus) to choose from
- For higher functional demands, there are lots of options, like sha512 encryption, IP blocking, limiting number of attempts etc.
- Running very fast ~0.006 seconds (6 milliseconds)
- Remember me option - will set an encoded cookie to keep the user logged in
Simple examples of usage
 <?php include'easy-lock.php'; lock("pass123"); ?>
This code will lock the page with the password "pass123"
 <?php include'easy-lock.php'; lock("pass123", 3); ?>
This code will lock the page with the password "pass123" and will show the skin 3
Using the sha512 mode:
<?php include'easy-lock.php'; lock("fd37ca5ca8763ae077a5e9740212319591603c42a08a60dcc91d12e7e457b024f6bdfdc10cdc1383e1602ff2092b4bc1bb8cac9306a9965eb352435f5dfe8bb0", 3, array("sha512" => true)); ?>
This code will lock the page with the password "pass123", as the "fd37ca5ca8763ae077a5e9740212319591603c42a08a60dcc91d12e7e457b024f6bdfdc10cdc1383e1602ff2092b4bc1bb8cac9306a9965eb352435f5dfe8bb0" is the sha512Â encoding for "pass123";
Few screenshots
Skins 3 on wide screen
Skins 5 and 7 on tab and on mobile
Skins 2 and 3 on mobile
Skins 4 and 5 on mobile
Skins 1 and 6 on mobile
Check out some demos here: http://artur99.net/items/easy-lock/
Version: 1.5 (Change-log on the FAQ page)
Support:Â Just drop a message in the Support tab up there, or send an email to:Â [email protected]
Upcoming skins and features in the near future...
Jul 12, 2018lalalou PurchasedRating:Very helpful for my needs. Saved a lot of time 'cause I haven't to code this or similar by myself.
May 10, 2018bashion PurchasedRating:Hi,
I like your script. Just wondering how to get the logout spript running correctly. I need to delete the session and the remember me cookie. I've followed your docs, but can't get it work. -
Dec 30, 2017
Feb 24, 2017rickincabo PurchasedRating:
Sep 27, 2016bbitar PurchasedRating:
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Security |
First release | 27 April 2015 |
Last update | 14 May 2018 |
Tags | responsive, easy, password, lock page, locker, easy lock |