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Stickman Unity Games Bundle - 4 Premium GamesStickman Unity Games Bundle - 4 Premium Games
Get an insanely great discount of 75% for a mega bundle of 4 premium Unity

Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Bundles

Stickman Unity Games Bundle - 4 Premium Games
Get an insanely great discount of 75% for a mega bundle of 4 premium Unity

—————— Ready for publish on Android and iOS! ——————
——————-Don’t need the programming skills! ———————–
———— All Plugin SDK have been integrated into the project! ——-
That’s $956 worth of 4 Premium Unity templates – now only $239!
1. Stickman Turbo Dismounting - $499
2. Stickman Shooting- Dead Or Alive - $299
- Made with Unity – the No.1 engine for mobile games
- Ready for release: all games are fully-featured: Ads with Admob,Unity Ads or In- App Purchase, Share Native, Real time Reward,Local Push Notification, Leaderboard...
- Easy for reskin!
- Optimized for iOS and Android
- Detailed tutorial documentation and tutorial video included
- Unity 5.4.3f1 or higher (View the configuration details for each project)
- Detailed tutorial documentation and link tutorial video (in tutorial document) included
Oct 22, 2019modeler111 PurchasedRating:After purchasing the games, the seller helped me debug and launch the game on google play. Spent a few days and many hours to walk with me through each stage and set up the game. I recommend buying goods from the seller! Attitudes to support at the highest level!
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Unity Game Reskin Service
Have your Unity Game reskinned to meet your needs.
$499 | Buy now |
Category | App Templates / Unity / Templates / Bundles |
First release | 30 October 2018 |
Last update | 5 December 2018 |
Operating Systems | Unity 5.0, iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Unity 5.5, Unity 5.5, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0, Unity 3.5 |
Files included | .php, .html, Layered .psd, Layered .png, .cs, .h, .m, .csproj, .dll, .unityproj, .prefab, .xml |
Tags | stickman, zombie game, stickman run, stickman shooter, unity bundle, stickman turbo dismounting, stickman shooting, zombie shooter |