Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Casual
Color Tunnel - Complete Unity GameColor Tunnel - Complete Unity Game
Fun arcade game developed in Unity. Game is completely ready to be published. Average rating of 5.0 based on 8 votesHome / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Casual
Color Tunnel - Complete Unity Game
Fun arcade game developed in Unity. Game is completely ready to be published. Average rating of 5.013 Support questions or comments
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Nov 27, 2020samrichards PurchasedHello,
Does this game scale to any mobile device? It is not scaling in free aspect mode..
Aug 8, 2020Sedat3 PurchasedHello, I liked and I bought this app but couldn't find source codes.
I have Like that warning-->"You haven't purchased any products yet."
Please contact me. -
Aug 15, 2020Ragendom AuthorHey,
Thank you for the purchase!
The issue is now solved
Jul 21, 2020Abdallh1 PurchasedI bought the code with errors and it does not work with me and I have contacted you with the existing error why do you not answer or help me
Jul 21, 2020Ragendom AuthorHey, I have answered your message.
Jul 20, 2020Abdallh1 PurchasedArgumentException: Requested value 'X86' was not found.
System.Enum+EnumResult.SetFailure (System.Enum+ParseFailureKind failure, System.String failureMessageID, System.Object failureMessageFormatArgument) (at <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0)
System.Enum.TryParseEnum (System.Type enumType, System.String value, System.Boolean ignoreCase, System.Enum+EnumResult& parseResult) (at <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0)
System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value, System.Boolean ignoreCase) (at <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0)
System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value) (at <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0)
GooglePlayServices.AndroidAbis.EnumValueStringToULong (System.Type enumType, System.String enumValueString) (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/PlayServicesResolver/src/AndroidAbis.cs:182)
GooglePlayServices.AndroidAbis.get_Current () (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/PlayServicesResolver/src/AndroidAbis.cs:241)
GooglePlayServices.ResolverVer1_1.ShouldExplode (System.String aarPath) (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/PlayServicesResolver/src/ResolverVer1_1.cs:1523)
GooglePlayServices.ResolverVer1_1.LoadAarExplodeCache () (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/PlayServicesResolver/src/ResolverVer1_1.cs:256)
GooglePlayServices.ResolverVer1_1..ctor () (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/PlayServicesResolver/src/ResolverVer1_1.cs:220)
GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver..cctor () (at /Users/smiles/dev/src/unity-jar-resolver/source/PlayServicesResolver/src/PlayServicesResolver.cs:623)
Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver' threw an exception.
System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0)
Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0)
System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0)
UnityEditor.Build.BuildPipelineInterfaces+AttributeCallbackWrapper.OnProcessScene (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, UnityEditor.Build.Reporting.BuildReport report) (at <bccb16a88ec4456dbf07978c418f407b>:0)
UnityEditor.Build.BuildPipelineInterfaces+<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<OnSceneProcess>b__1 (UnityEditor.Build.IProcessSceneWithReport spp) (at <bccb16a88ec4456dbf07978c418f407b>:0)
UnityEditor.Build.BuildPipelineInterfaces.InvokeCallbackInterfacesPair[T1,T2] (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] oneInterfaces, System.Action`1[T] invocationOne, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] twoInterfaces, System.Action`1[T] invocationTwo, System.Boolean exitOnFailure) (at <bccb16a88ec4456dbf07978c418f407b>:0)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
Oct 18, 2019bsmith522 PurchasedPurchased this template, great job.
Is there an easy method to ad a 'Remove Ads' button? If this is added there would also ned to be a 'Restore Purchases' button.
Is this possible? -
Oct 18, 2019Ragendom AuthorHey,
Thank you, I am glad you like it.
I don’ t know how to implement the functions you mentioned, that is why I have not implemented them.
Ragendom -
Oct 18, 2019bsmith522 Purchasedok.. Thanks for the quick response.
Jul 4, 2019daryl1 Purchasedi cannot find unity package in zip
- View 1 more reply
Jul 4, 2019daryl1 Purchasedwhich file or folder or subfolder must i click on?
Jul 4, 2019daryl1 Purchasedi got this message "Assets/ColorTunnel/Assets/Scripts/GameManager.cs(5,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `TMPro' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?"
Jul 4, 2019Ragendom AuthorPlease read the first page of the documentation. It says everything about importong TMPro
May 28, 2019can we also make apk for android of this game ? and i also want to know how to convert thse source code into android apk
May 28, 2019Ragendom AuthorHey,
Of course, you can build it to any platforms.
You can build the game in the Build Settings.
I answered you in more details via E-mail, please check it out.
May 24, 2019Can i reskin the app with a regular license
May 24, 2019Ragendom AuthorHey, yes you can
May 22, 2019dharmesh15 Purchasedhi i am trying to add the Google AdMob to the code but i dont see the ads banner displayed on the home screen bottom please help see the screen shot link below .
https://ibb.co/VQJYnVy - View 1 more reply
May 28, 2019Ragendom AuthorHey, I implemented Admob and Unity Ads to the game
May 28, 2019dharmesh15 PurchasedHi ,
Thank you for the response
Do i have to download the code again ? -
May 28, 2019Ragendom AuthorYes, you have to.
I don’ t know if you can do it for free. If not, contact me via E-mail
May 10, 2019Is this Game integrated with admob ads?
- View 2 more replies
May 10, 2019Ragendom Author
May 10, 2019sent
May 28, 2019Ragendom AuthorHey, I implemented Admob and Unity Ads into the game
Category | App Templates / Unity / Templates / Casual |
First release | 29 March 2019 |
Last update | 28 May 2019 |
Operating Systems | Unity 5.0, iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Unity 5.5, Unity 5.5, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, iOS 12.0, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | .cpp, .rb, .css, .cs, .h, .apk, .dat, .dll, .obj, .prefab |
Tags | game, Unity, full game, mobile game, game template, unity game template, complete game, color tunnel, complete game template, complete unity game, unity arcade game, unity asset |