Banki-Pedia - Fintech System PHPBanki-Pedia - Fintech System PHP
Online Banking & Fintech Solution

Banki-Pedia - Fintech System PHP
Online Banking & Fintech Solution

32 Support questions or comments
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Feb 15, 2021Hanson PurchasedHello,I met this bug:
Expected response code 250 but got code "530", with message "530-5.7.0 Authentication Required. Learn more at 530 5.7.0 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=WantAuthError b18sm13361937pfb.197 - gsmtp "
I have followed the instuctions on stackoverflow but no use. Could you help fix it?
Feb 15, 2021asapcodes AuthorThanks for your purchase, pls send us a support message
Feb 21, 2021asapcodes AuthorStill expecting your message bro
Nov 16, 2020Demeter1 PurchasedHello this ain't working and I have already order atm cards to be linked to it for business purposes
first I hosted my server to run it and it is showing internal error and always logging my out of my cpanel by changing my ip secondly it shows 500 error and I have followed all installation procedures but all was waste even tried my best but same error keep popping up kindly help with the installation of better a video of teamview please
Oct 13, 2020bareuther PurchasedHey, first question, how can I make the top logo wider? I go to www\website\css\main.css but I dont know what to modify exactly here
.header-section .header-wrapper .logo a img {
width: 100%;
Thanks! -
Oct 13, 2020bareuther PurchasedAlso can you pm me in inbox, I will pay you more for some customization and help. Thank you!
Oct 13, 2020asapcodes AuthorPls send me a message in my inbox bro. Once again thanks for your purchase
Oct 9, 2020Banja PurchasedDeposit not reflecting on deposit log after user copies Btc wallet address...
Sep 21, 2020Can more coins be traded or bought on this script asides bitcoin
Sep 21, 2020asapcodes AuthorWith a little token, the script can be modified to fit your request after purchase
Sep 22, 2020How much extra is this token
Sep 11, 2020trendcnet Purchasedhello, under fixed deposit, when you want to create a new plan, there is no option to select 18 months under fixed deposit duration, the maximum there is 1 year,. also under topup interval, we need above a month, may every 6 months or yearly as a one off payment.
Sep 7, 2020ayaelcheikh PurchasedHello
As you was support me very fast and quickly when I was buy the script now after I check the script and I found a lot of bugs and I try contact you many times and you didn't reply I am going to ask for refund back my money and make dispute with your order because your script didn't work at all
it's completely bugs and now you didn't support as at all
hope you reply asap.
Aug 26, 2020ayaelcheikh PurchasedHello
I just purchased your script and I try to edit the content managment of thesite
where can I edit the content in the web site there your document not clear
Please advise
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Miscellaneous |
First release | 2 July 2020 |
Last update | 28 July 2020 |
Software version | PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x |
Tags | bank, withdraw, deposit, transfer, wallet, referral, online bank |