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RegLog - iOS App Template With PHP Backend RegLog - iOS App Template With PHP Backend
iOS template for a User Login and Registration System including a PHP Backend.Home / App Templates / iOS / Applications / Miscellaneous

RegLog - iOS App Template With PHP Backend
iOS template for a User Login and Registration System including a PHP Backend.3 Support questions or comments
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Jul 23, 2020luisalf2327 Purchased525/5000
Good afternoon, I have bought this small system but I have had problems with the app and I start the WebPanel, but the app is not up to date, it does not allow me to register and I have changed the information that it has informed us, the registration button is removed at the time of entering the data and it gives an error.
also many errors like these
Undeclared selector 'responseGetClearFeed:'
/ Users / cucu / Desktop / app + web / RegLog_iOS _ & _ PHP_Template / RegLog-iPhone / RegLog.xcodeproj AssetsLibrary is deprecated. Consider migrating to Photos instead.
Jul 19, 2020luisalf2327 Purchased525/5000
Good afternoon, I have bought this small system but I have had problems with the app and I start the WebPanel, but the app is not up to date, it does not allow me to register and I have changed the information that it has informed us, the registration button is removed at the time of entering the data and it gives an error.
also many errors like these
Undeclared selector 'responseGetClearFeed:'
/ Users / cucu / Desktop / app + web / RegLog_iOS _ & _ PHP_Template / RegLog-iPhone / RegLog.xcodeproj AssetsLibrary is deprecated. Consider migrating to Photos instead.
Mar 28, 2016Hello i'm having trouble with building the project. I am running gear host, and sequel pro for database, however i don't seen to make a connection, because when i run the program and sign in with admin it says i have no permission, and is i try to sign up i get Error
Mar 29, 2016I really need this problem solved, when i try to sign up, the checkbox disappears, and as soon as i start typing my email on the sign up page the sign up button disappears as well
Category | App Templates / iOS / Applications / Miscellaneous |
First release | 14 January 2015 |
Last update | 14 January 2015 |
Tags | admin, php, iOS, iPhone, web template, xcode, login, register, admin panel, backend |