Affiliate Boss Price Comparison PHP Script Affiliate Boss Price Comparison PHP Script
Make Money on Affiliate Comissions and ClickThroughs, Just Like a Boss. [Highly Efficient Price Comparison Tool **MUST HAVE**]
Affiliate Boss Price Comparison PHP Script
Make Money on Affiliate Comissions and ClickThroughs, Just Like a Boss. [Highly Efficient Price C...29 Support questions or comments
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Feb 10, 2022Hello, I can see the last update was in Sept. 2019. Are you planning to update it soon?. Also, Does this script have a language file to translate to other language?. Thanks.
Feb 10, 2022scriptorigin AuthorAn update is planned @ a latertime this year,
It currently does not support multi language
however language translation would be available in the next version -
Feb 13, 2022Ok, Thank you.
Jan 18, 2022Can you make the price comparison according to the sku code? Can you set the xml? If there are adjustments, I will buy.
Jan 19, 2022scriptorigin AuthorXML imports is planned for a future update but there is no timeline yet,
for price comparison according to the sku code you would require an extenal customization as no other user has requested for the feature.
Jan 17, 2022Hi. Will there be an update soon? I want the ability to load products with xml using sku for price comparison. Can you do this?
Jan 17, 2022scriptorigin AuthorHello gezegenix,
The script already supports CSV importation and would require little customization to support XML -
Jan 17, 2022Can you make the price comparison according to the sku code? Can you set the xml? If there are adjustments, I will buy.
Jan 19, 2022scriptorigin AuthorXML imports is planned for a future update but there is no timeline yet,
for price comparison according to the sku code you would require an extenal customization as no other user has requested for the feature.
Dec 15, 2021hi
does this script support external featured images? -
Dec 15, 2021scriptorigin AuthorHi sajad1854,
Yes it does -
Dec 22, 2021hi scriptorigin
Thank you for your response
in create product page (http://products.com.ng/work/product/create)
i dont see any field for external featured image just a upload button for uploading the image
Jan 4, 2022scriptorigin AuthorIt's possible via CSV imports
Jan 4, 2021hello author i'm interesting to your app. but i want ask questions because I am confused by the application process flow and how to compare it, forgive me
1. Suppose there are 4 merchants who sell 1 product of the same type and specifications (laptops, for example), will the comparison appear automatically?
2. can users compare products from several merchants such as fashion, educational services, insurance etc
3. Is there any service after purchasing to be able to install and operate this application?
thank you... -
Jan 4, 2021scriptorigin AuthorHello BundaTan,
(1&2) Here is how the comparison works: The system automatically compares likeness based on selected product name attributes, regardless of categories and merchants.
(3)Instalation is prettly easy we also have a documentation and video guide, however we are also avaliable to support incase you are having issues installing the sctipt
Jul 1, 2020Andleven PurchasedHello! How to remove random goods? because of the large data base, the script selects random products from thousands of records and the site slows it down! How to disable the randomness of goods?
Jul 2, 2020scriptorigin AuthorHi,
for homepage random product
Remove "inRandomOrder()->" on line 39 (version 2.5.0)
Jul 3, 2020Andleven PurchasedOn the product page?
Jul 3, 2020Andleven PurchasedThanks was done!
Mar 3, 2020Andleven PurchasedHi, make sure that the balance for the repeated click on the ip of the visitor who clicked is not debited!
- View 14 more replies
Mar 9, 2020scriptorigin AuthorLets see why this is happening
Goto "\laravel\.env"
Share contents of :\laravel\storage\logs\laravel.log" privately
Mar 10, 2020Andleven PurchasedHe does not record these errors!
Apr 26, 2020Andleven PurchasedWhen will the update be?
Feb 10, 2020Hello,
the demo link not working the site is not opening.. -
Feb 10, 2020scriptorigin AuthorLive Demo
Base Url: http://products.com.ng
Demo Admin :
Url : http://products.com.ng/work/login
Login : [email protected]
Password : password
Demo Client :
Url :http://products.com.ng/login
Login : [email protected]
Login : [email protected]
Login : [email protected]
Login : [email protected]
Password : password
Signup Url :http://products.com.ng/register
Oct 16, 2019cmcoder PurchasedHello! This is in the description "Import Thousands of products Quickly and Efficiently via CSV Data-feed."
But how? -
Oct 17, 2019scriptorigin AuthorHi Jam,
It has a product datafeed for importing multiple products.
only CSV format is supported at the moment.
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Quality checked by Codester
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Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Affiliate |
First release | 18 March 2018 |
Last update | 6 September 2019 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 5.x, PHP 5.5 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Bootstrap, Less |
Files included | .aspx, .php, .css, .html, .less, .sql, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x |
Tags | php, ecommerce, css, Javascript, money, Product, affiliate, earn, laravel, cron, secured |