FixIT - IT Repair Shop Management System PHPFixIT - IT Repair Shop Management System PHP
IT Repair Shop Management System
FixIT - IT Repair Shop Management System PHP
IT Repair Shop Management System
Built using Laravel 5.6, this system helps manage a repair shop by giving administrators and customers access to a web interface. Customers can add repair requests and administrators can add comments, generate invoices and complete repairs. Customers receive notifications when status of their request is updated, when invoices are created or when comments are added.
Demo users:
[email protected] / secret
[email protected] / secret
[email protected] / secret
- Customer Management
- User Management
- Repair Request Management (add/view/edit/delete)
- Invoices (add/view/delete)
- Payments (Stripe Gateway implemented, but administrators can add other payment methods)
- Mailgun or SMTP email notifications
- Email settings interface
- General settings interface (with Invoice prefix, Tax amount, Currency)
- Stripe settings interface
- Users Management Interface
- Role based access (currently only "administrator,tech,customer" roles are implemented, but if needed, i will develop the role management interface).
- Device types management
More features will be added in future updates based on popular requests.
- PHP 7.1+
- Composer
- Copy contents of zip file in your www folder and navigate to the application folder name
- Edit .env file to match your database details
- Issue the below commands
- php artisan key:generate
- php artisan view:clear
- php artisan view:cache
- php artisan migrate
- php artisan db:seed
- php artisan storage:link
If your application is not working after following the above instructions, please let me know and i will do my best to help you fix the issue you are facing.
Future product updates
Quality checked by Codester
Lowest price guarantee
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Miscellaneous |
First release | 1 May 2018 |
Last update | 1 May 2018 |
Tags | php, MySQL, crud |