iOS Coin Converter Template AppiOS Coin Converter Template App
iCoinic Converter X - v. 2.1.1 - built with CoinMarketCap (Coin/ Token Converter)
iOS Coin Converter Template App
iCoinic Converter X - v. 2.1.1 - built with CoinMarketCap (Coin/ Token Converter)
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Rapid access to information in general and market developments in particular is becoming essential. Source of information, data availability and interface to access data are the main components for reliable user experience.
This app is the ultimate solution to provide interactive, reliable and instantaneous access to market developments. It provides simple screens (rich in functionalities) to facilitate getting equivalent value in several digital assets as well as in fiat currency (US Dollar) interchangeably.
This app supports multi-currency convertibility up to 90+ fiat currencies as defined with api service provider.
The app consists of one main screen, which facilitates navigation between two screens:
- Exchange/ Converter Screen
- All Digital Assets added to local database
In addition, the user will have access to master listing of all coins/ tokens listed with the service provider to add from.
version 2.1.1: supports multi-currency convertibility.
Design Details
This app carries so many benefits in terms of architecture and implementation:
- is built in Swift/ SwiftUI
- is built with MVVM architecture in mind.
- uses Apple Combine framework for all api calls and managing local data.
- comes with around 9 custom ui components, like:
- search bar
- navigation bar
- async image view (including error handling)
- action button
- swipe action
- sorting symbol
- sorting label
- navigation bar action button
- scroll up button
- comes with couple of custom utilities and generic methods, like:
- url builder
- network manager using Combine
- generic sorting method
- custom font modifiers specially for price/ market movement indicator
- is integrated with CoinMarketCap (https://www.coinmarketcap.com) as market data api provider. In order to maintain consistency and flexibility in replacing market data api provider, the integration is done by splitting data structure into:
- structure of api service provider, and
- structure of local data
- Built in SwiftUI
- iOS 16.0 and above
- MVVM Architecture
- Combine Framework
- Custom UI Components
- Generic/ Reusable Methods and Components
- Userdefaults capability
- Responsive UI
- Full Documentation
- CoinMarketCap API Key
- XCode 14.1
- iOS 16 simulator or device
- Xcode
- Unpack the App zip file into Xcode project folder.
- Open the project app in Xcode (File -> Open) and navigate to Xcode project name iCoinic Converter X.
- Update the Signing and Capabilities of the project targets in Xcode to create a new bundle identifier.
- Once the API Key from CoinMarketCap is ready:
- create a plist file and name it APIKey-Info.plist
- insert the api key in the value field of property name “API_KEY_CMC"
- CoinMarketCap
Visit CoinMarketCap api page (https://coinmarketcap.com/api/) and navigate to get an API Key
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Category | App Templates / iOS / Applications / Finance |
First release | 29 December 2022 |
Last update | 27 February 2023 |
Tags | iOS, bitcoin, crypto, currency, swift, cryptocurrency, Exchange, currency converter, swiftui, coinmarketcap, digital asset, alt coins, coin calculator, data market api |